Lubbock Prenatal Massage at Luminous You Massage

Lubbock Prenatal Massage at Luminous You Massage

If you have ever been pregnant, you know how difficult it can be to get comfortable. Additionally, you may have increased anxiety during your pregnancy, and relaxing can be just as hard as getting comfortable! If you are looking for a healthy, safe way to decompress...

Cupping Therapy at Luminous You Massage in Lubbock, Texas

If you have watched any number of professional sports, you have likely seen athletes with circular, dark marks on their skin. They have been treated with cupping therapy to help problematic areas where they are experiencing pain due to use or soreness. Did you know...

Sports Massages in Lubbock, Texas

As summer approaches, school sanctioned sports may be drawing to an end, but many times overall activity ramps up in the summer months. From swimming to water sports to things like hiking, summer baseball and softball, and running, the longer and warmer days lend...

Swedish Massage in Lubbock, Texas

As spring approaches, the busy season is also in full bloom! Between sports, academics, summer preparations, new weather patterns (dust storms, hail storms, and warmer, windy days in West Texas), life is always busy in the spring. You may feel exhausted and run down...